Let's talk about Competitor Matrix

Contact us today. We'll walk you through a live demo!

Competition is the Name of the Game

Find your locations and check out your competition. CompetitorMatrix combines the power of mapping, distance algorithms and vertical markets into one easy to use application. Evaluate and score your stores. Modify media plans or distribution models.

Go beyond just a map and evaluate how each location's competitive set differs. Combine this with an interactive coverage algorithm for detailed assessment of each location.

Schedule a Demo

Competitor Matrix has a lot of power. Schedule a demo with our specialists to see all the features for yourself.

Know what your competition already knows!

Fast and easy, quickly assess competitors within a retail vertical around single or multiple locations
  • Automatic competitors selection
  • Fast and simple interface
  • Evaluate site saturation within distance of stores
  • Dynamic competitive charting
  • Aggregation of locations nearby
  • Output to PDF, CSV or Excel

Detailed Competitor Reporting

Go beyond a map and view full address detail of competitors near locations
  • Scored by nearest competitors
  • Duplicated and Unduplicated
  • Competitor allocation
  • Sort by location, competitor and distance
  • Filter specific competitors
  • Output to CSV or Excel

So what's the competition?

Evaluate prospective locations against nearby competitors
  • Evaluate before building/leasing
  • Identify high saturation areas
  • Develop marketing plans from competitive threats
  • Inform merchandising decisions
  • Filter competitors
  • Fully interactive or output to PDF