
Consumer Demographics

Targeted Media

Powerful Data Analysis Tools

Consumer Demographics

Mapping and Reporting Tools for over 800 consumer demographics, expenditures and lifestyle segmentation. All organized by Zip Code. Interactive mapping, location coverage, filtering and detailed reporting. View online or download.
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Curated Location Data

Millions of curated retail locations, major education and healthcare contained in easy to use interfaces. View online or download.


Curated Retail, Education and Healthcare Locations.


U.S. Retail Locations and Counting
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Targeting Media

Identify Media options in consumer coverage areas. Target DMA, Zip Code and Congressional District. View Radio, TV, Newspaper and Websites around Locations across the US. View online or download.
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Retail Competition

Interactive Mapping and Reporting Tools for retail competition. View key retailer locations across the US along with competitors in a market or neighborhood. Full reporting and competitor mapping. View online or download.
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Customized Reporting Solutions

As a full Tableau Reseller, we can leverage our extensive location, media and demographic databases to build a unique custom framework for your organization. We are able to deploy on both local systems or our powerful cloud.
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Let's get in touch.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: + (636) 733.0022
Let's discuss your project or just schedule a demo of our tools. We look forward to hearing from you.